Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Water Wizard

After watching this video I started thinking about the importance of water. One of the most shocking thing i ve learned is the average person uses 4.5 million litres of water each year.

“Its melting away its wasting away I need it there’s no doubt about” In my opinion is completely true. Our excessive use of fossil fuels is warming the planet and speeding the melting of the Earths poles and glaciers and after thinking about all the things that we use water for there can be no doubt in my mind that we need fresh water

Its not like water is used up but it will just become unavailable to us “Its all we’ve got, its all that’s it” shows there is a limit and with a growing population of people in the world who all need water its important to educate them in conserving water.

“Every drop counts” a drop is not much but if every one in the world say has one less shower or bath a week that’s 200 litres X 6 billion people what is a lot of fresh water.

Monday, April 26, 2010

alternative energy

I already knew about getting energy from the ocean but I never knew how it would be done. I now know that the water flows through turbines to create power. Also I’d never thought that the currents in the ocean would help ships use less fuel to move around if they fallow these currents.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Ocean Currents of the world

Ocean currents are the movement of water in any direction. It’s kind of like the highways for water and pollutants that effect weather. These currents are found all over the world.

Surface currents are the ones found in the upper 400 metres of ocean (10% of ocean water) most of this kind of current are caused by wind moving across the water creating friction. The friction cause the water to form gyres (a spiral pattern of water. Gravity also has an important role it takes mounts of water near the shore and pulls the water down slopes and that make a current.

Deep water currents are found bellow 400 metres they are called thermohaline circulations these currents are cause also by gravity and density differences in the water.