Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cells and microscopes.

Before Anton van leeuwenkoek people thought what diseases for caused by curses.

Robert hook at around that same time as Anton studied cells with a compound light microscope.

If I'm to forget all about cells i at least need to remember the cell theory

1) All organisms are made up of cells

2) The cell is the basic unit of organisms

3) All cells come form preexisting cells

The electron microscope is only about 61 years old its hard to believe it has been around that long.

the two kinds of electron microscopes SEM and TEM.

I want to know more about how hey react to each other ?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Why are the mitochondrion and Chloroplast designed the way they are.

these pictures are from


The chloroplast and mitochondrion are designed for Efinency.

because energy is every thing for a cell they cant waste energy by having any unused spase. Also surface area is very important in being efficient.

The more granum a chloroplast has the faster it can make glucose by taking in sun light and

mixing it with the co2 and water to create glucose through photosynthesis. Because plants cells have there own chloroplast they can make there own glucose and are called autotrophic or self feeding.

The glucose is sent to the mitochondrion were it is turned into ATP by the inner membrane which you can see in my picture has a large surface area for efficiently. In animal cells there is no chloroplast we get our glucose from food. The mitochondrion is also designed to store the ATP molecules.